Ritual Relish Reads

Rise & Shine with Sun Salutations ☀️
One of the best ways to warm up the body before a practice is with Sun Salutations. Sūrya Namaskar translates as "sun greeting". Not only is it a great warm...
Rise & Shine with Sun Salutations ☀️
One of the best ways to warm up the body before a practice is with Sun Salutations. Sūrya Namaskar translates as "sun greeting". Not only is it a great warm...

Embody Spring with These Rituals 🌿✨
Spring is a season of possibility—embrace the energy and let yourself bloom! 🌸💛 1. Nourish with Seasonal Foods 🥬 Spring is the perfect time to cleanse and energize your body...
Embody Spring with These Rituals 🌿✨
Spring is a season of possibility—embrace the energy and let yourself bloom! 🌸💛 1. Nourish with Seasonal Foods 🥬 Spring is the perfect time to cleanse and energize your body...

Mālā of the Month: Moss Agate
10 WAYS MOSS AGATE HARNESSES SPRING ENERGY AND HOW YOU CAN TOO Spring is all about fresh starts, growth, and new possibilities - just like Moss Agate! A perfect time...
Mālā of the Month: Moss Agate
10 WAYS MOSS AGATE HARNESSES SPRING ENERGY AND HOW YOU CAN TOO Spring is all about fresh starts, growth, and new possibilities - just like Moss Agate! A perfect time...

7 Main Chakras: Root Chakra
The root chakra, known as mūlādhāra in Sanskrit, is the first of the seven main chakras. The word mūla translates as “root” and ādhāra as “support”. Located at the base...
7 Main Chakras: Root Chakra
The root chakra, known as mūlādhāra in Sanskrit, is the first of the seven main chakras. The word mūla translates as “root” and ādhāra as “support”. Located at the base...

Mālā of the Month: Yellow Calcite
Calcite has been valued by humans since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans valued calcite for its beauty, practical applications, and its perceived ability to enhance physical strength...
Mālā of the Month: Yellow Calcite
Calcite has been valued by humans since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans valued calcite for its beauty, practical applications, and its perceived ability to enhance physical strength...